Fleet Town Council

Fleet Town Council

Jubilee Celebrations in Fleet

Fleet Carnival and Jubilee Celebrations 1st – 5th June 2012

It is often said that you should study the past to make sure you do not repeat it; the bad bits anyway!   The Jubilee weekend saw many reflections of the past, the carnival procession went back to its traditional route and included three marching bands, one of which was the Romsey Old Boys, how much more nostalgic can you get than that?


The High Street was packed with every age group represented, all joining in the fun just as it used to be.   One could sense the spirit of community that underpins why Fleet is such a sought after place to live.


Sadly the Sunday was a near total wash out- a very traditional Bank Holiday event.   A few stalwarts turned out to make it, at least, a “little lunch.”   The plus side is it gave more people the chance to watch the River Pageant and witness the traditional British spirit exhibited by the choir that braved the elements and sang their hearts out for Queen and Country.


Another blast from the past was Monday’s “Old Fashioned Sports Day” which included a coconut shy, sack races, egg and spoon races, a trolley slide, hoopla and wobbly bikes. Not a computer terminal or a joy stick to be seen and still everyone had great fun.


These events that bring our community together do not just happen by chance.  It takes months of effort, in the background, to make these things happen.   As ever, one is concerned by causing offence by missing out some vital group or person who helped make the Jubilee events successfully last for four days, but here goes anyway – a big thank you to the Carnival Committee, Members and Officers of Fleet Town Council, Fleet Lions, Rotary Club of Fleet, Fleet and Church Crookam Civic Society, Churches Together, our local Scouts, Cubs, Guides, Brownies and Fleet and Church Crookham Army Cadets, the Friends of Parks Groups and many more individuals who contributed in all sorts of ways.  Finally what makes it all worthwhile is seeing the residents of Fleet, their families and friends turning out en mass to join in the fun and kindle that spirit of community that gives Fleet its very special character.


Bring on the Platinum Jubilee!


Councillor Bob Schofield
Chairman Fleet Town Council


Click here to see more of Fleet Town Councils Jubilee Celebrations