Fleet Future

Town Plan
High Street Benchmarking Report (2015)
Fleet Cycle Map
After three years’ of hard work, the community group Fleet Future has successfully delivered on its mission! This small group of hard working volunteers has accomplished a lot during this period. When they came together in 2012, their first job was to consult the people of Fleet and develop a plan based on what they were told. The result was the 2013 Fleet Town Plan with its 17 recommendations – and Fleet Future members are proud that many of these have now been delivered.
Helped to deliver
More Events
Fleet Fashion Show, Fleet Food Festival and Fleet Film by providing ideas, resource and expertise
Better information re: Fleet footpaths & cycleways
Online Map
Businesses working together
Fleet Business Forum (working towards BID and, if successful, will lead to investment of £750,000 in town centre improvement projects)
Identity for Fleet
Now featuring in Business Forum & BID publicity material and part of Business Plan
Car Parking
Part of HDC’s “Task & Finish Group” reviewing parking. As a result new parking charges rolled out and pay on exit system planned for Fleet car park
Public Transport in Fleet
Won grant from Government’s “First Steps” programme. Brought together representatives of HDC/FTC/Communicare & Buses-in-Fleet to work on proposals for those without transport and now looking at wider transport provision
Chair of Fleet Future, Michael Butcher, said “Having accomplished our objectives, or passed the baton on to spin-off groups, Fleet Future is closing down with a sense of accomplishment! I would like to thank all our members for their hard work and would also like to thank everyone who we have worked with for the tremendous support they have given us during the past few years. We wish our town every success in the future.”